How do you like the first block of The Second Year?
Alice and Andrew Criswell's block |
I think it has a Hawaiian feel about it. This block isn't more difficult than the previous blocks, the challenge is in the preparation.
I started by taping the two pattern pieces together to make one quarter. This is my first draft of the pattern, it hasn't been prettied up yet. I've taped it to the table so it doesn't shift.
I found a large piece of light interfacing, big enough for the whole pattern. I taped the interfacing over the pattern and traced one quarter. Then I turned the interfacing over and traced the next quarter on the opposite side of the interfacing. That gave me a mirror image and I could see the first drawing through the sheer material. I did the same for the next two quarters and the pattern was finished.
Cutting it out took time, I had to be careful not to tear the interfacing. When finished I basted the interfacing to the fabric. The interfacing stayed on while I did the needleturn, it was easy to fold out of the way to see my stitches.
I found that this method worked well for me. If you have a clever way to prepare a big applique we'd love you to share it.